What Is Melamine and Is It Safe to Use in Dishware?
August 31st 2021
Melamine is a nitrogen-based compound used by many manufacturers to create a number of products, especially plastic dishware. It’s also used in: · utensils · countertops · plastic products · dry-erase boards · paper products While melamine is widely found in many items, some people have raised safety concerns that the compound could be toxic. This article will explore the controversy and considerations regarding melamine in plastic products. Keep reading to find out if melamine plates should have a place in your cabinets and at your picnics. Is it safe? The short answer is yes, it’s safe. When manufacturers create plasticware with melamine, they use high heat to mold the substances. While the heat uses up most of the melamine compounds, a small amount does usually remain in the plates, cup, utensils or more. If melamine gets too hot, it can start to melt and potentially leak into food and drink products.